Newborn Session Preparation Guide
Our studio is located in Midland at 1910 N. Big Spring St. We are in the BACK of the Ledford Agency Building across the street from Whataburger. Mistie cell 432-934-3701
This preparation guide will help your session go more smoothly. If you are unable to follow any of the guidelines, please don’t worry. I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that I’m able to capture those timeless images you are envisioning. If that means patiently rocking your little one or taking several feeding or cuddling breaks, that is ok!
Before the session
• If you are breast-feeding, try to avoid eating anything spicy or gas inducing (i.e. pizza, spicy sauces, garlic, broccoli, thai/indian food, etc.) that might upset baby’s tummy for 24 hours preceding your scheduled session. It’s best to stick to a relatively bland diet the 24 hours before your session.
Day of the session
• We suggest that babies feed immediately before their session AT THE STUDIO if possible. Please arrive a little before your session starts to allow time to feed in the studio. A newborn session generally takes about 2 hours and, since babies generally feed every 2-3 hours, feeding right before a session can sometimes guarantee an uninterrupted session. In the event that the baby seems hungry during the session, we can take a break and let them feed again. Feel free to follow their normal sleeping schedule if they are on one. We know it can be hard to keep them awake, especially if you have to drive for more than a few minutes to get to the studio and we do not want them to be overly tired and unable to sleep. Some babies do not sleep through their session. Occasionally, some are wide awake!! We will still achieve amazing images!
• If possible, please have a bottle of breast milk or formula ready for the session, along with a pacifier should we need it. This is especially important with twins and maintaining the flow of the session. I understand that some mothers are trying to avoid a pacifier during this critical time of learning to breastfeed. If you are not comfortable with the use of a bottle/pacifier, we are absolutely on board with whatever you choose!
• Dress baby in loose fitting clothes to avoid any lines on skin. A onesie that opens in the front is best, as this avoids having to lift anything tight over baby’s head.
During the session
• The studio will be warm during the session so that your baby remains comfortable. There will also be a small space heater, if needed, to keep your little one warm. Please dress in layers so that you can remain comfortable during the session.
• Newborn sessions generally take 2 hours. If a toddler is involved, a session may take up to 3 hours.
• Please take advantage of this time to relax.
• I recommend having no more than yourself, your spouse/partner, children and one guest if necessary. Too many extra people in the studio make for somewhat challenging creative conditions and can be distracting.
Newborn Session Clothing Guide
Colors for the studio
We will have wraps and outfits for baby. If you have a certain outfit, blanket or other keepsake you want to incorporate, please feel free to bring it. If mom, dad and/or siblings will be included in portraits, these are tips for their clothing choices. Ultimately, these are your portraits and we want you to wear what is comfortable and represents you. These are merely suggestions of what we think works best for those that want ideas. Earth tones like beige, khaki, olive green, taupe, cream and brown are all great colors for the studio. You will be photographed on a cream, white or gray colored backdrop, so choose colors that will complement one of these tones.
• Please choose a simple dress or blouse. Solid cream/neutral/jewel/earth tones work really well.
• Choose a coordinating solid colored long or short-sleeve shirt, solid colored button-up, or knit sweater in the earth tones mentioned above.
• For boys, jeans or khaki pants paired with a solid neutral shirt/sweater that complements mom and dad’s clothing choices. No logos, preferably. Or he can go shirtless for a natural look and feel.
• For girls, a simple dress with no pattern or a subtle pattern looks best. Soft pinks also work nicely with a cream backdrop. We have a small selection of girls dresses In the studio, ranging from size 18 months to 6 years.
Newborn Packing List
Suggested items to bring:
• Dress baby in loose clothing
• Pacifier (if you are okay with using one)
• Spare diapers
• Any newborn keepsakes or special items you would like to use
• We ask that you feed your baby a FULL feeding when you arrive to the studio.
If baby normally doesn't take a pacifier, please bring it just in case. Newborn sessions are new to your baby and they often want to self-soothe by sucking more than normal. If you prefer not to use a pacifier, we are totally ok with that! Please feel free to text, call or email Mistie with any questions or concerns you have before your session. info@laneandmistie.com 432-934-3701